+86 13129015647(Alice Lee)


No.702, Blk. 15th, Shunde Wanyang Zhongchuang Park, Xiantang Vil., 1st West Rd., Longjiang Town, Shunde Dist., Foshan City, Guangdong Prov.,China.

What you need to know "Safe" about Recessed Downlight?

You know about space, we like recessed downlight (or recessed spotlight). They're stylish, sophisticated, and a great way to brighten up any room or building type.

There is much to love about recessed downlight. Flush with the ceiling and providing diffuse light, they are subtle and suitable for any decoration. They are also cost effective and energy efficient, and can be used for mood or task lighting. But are recessed downlight safe?

Improperly installed or conventional downlight are a huge fire hazard. Each year, many homes are damaged or destroyed because of incorrect installation or abandoned safety checks.

IC4 recessed downlight

What causes dangerous recessed downlight ?

Downlight are a major cause of house fires. They heat up very quickly, so if installed incorrectly, they can catch fire with flammable trash or materials. The culprit is traditional downlight, which often contain halogen shades. This is because compared to other globes, Such as Led, they can reach 240 degrees Celsius! When in contact with leaf litter, dust, insulation and roof wood or basically anything flammable, it can cause the roof to catch fire and catch fire quickly.

With all this in mind, there is no fire risk if your recessed downlight are properly installed and kept away from flammable materials.

IC4 recessed downlight

The importance of recessed downlight safety

It is important to know how to prevent these fires and ensure that your down lights are installed safely. Fortunately, the government has recognized the potential problems associated with recessed downlight and has imposed strict installation regulations.

It is recommended that you always use a reputable electrician for any work as they are fully trained in safely installing down lights. With so many house fires caused by recessed downlight, the government has even stepped up education and training for electrical contractors.

Even so, in the electrical industry, it is possible to ignore regulations in order to cut costs and time, or you may encounter inexperienced electricians. This is why it is important to find a skilled and reputable electrician, or to know the signs of a dodgy downlight to ensure your safety.

Most frequently asked questions about installing down lights

What is a fire down light?

Fire rated downlights or IC4 grade downlight (more common) help protect your home from fire compared to regular recessed downlight. They maintained the fire rating of the ceiling where the downlight hole was cut by "plugging" the hole and slowing the spread of fire between floors.

Do you need a fire down light? How about IC4 downlight?

This is not required, but it is highly recommended that you get higher protection in your home. However, IC4 rated downlight are more common and can reduce and slow fire spread, making them worth the investment.

IC4 recessed downlight

Can you cover down lights with insulation?

Yes, but they need to be of a specific type. We recommend the use of IC-F or IC4 downlight as they are the only downlight with a high enough safety rating. However, due to the lack of ventilation, the products will most likely not last long if you choose to cover them with insulation

Do Led recessed downlight need heat shields?

This is not required, but it is recommended. IC4 downlight are designed to be covered with insulation, so the heat shield does not provide much security. Because hot air can rise from the roof through downlight, it can be difficult to keep your home warm. Heat shields can help you save energy and money during the colder months because they stop hot air from escaping.

How hot is the Led recessed downlight?

Depending on the pattern, they can reach any temperature between 60 and 100 degrees Celsius.

Do downlight cause fires?

If your recessed downlight are properly installed and kept away from flammable materials, there is no fire risk.

IC4 recessed downlight

Could you put the down light over the shower?

In case you didn't know, Australia has a requirement for bathroom lights. You can place the down light above the shower; However, they need to meet Zone 1 standards. This means they need to be placed 2.5m vertically above the shower and IP65 protected. For an in-depth guide to requirements, we've written an article that contains everything you need to know about bathroom lighting.

IC4 recessed downlight

Do I need to use a fire down light in the kitchen? How about IC4 downlight?

Again, while this is not required, you should ensure that every downlight in your home is IC4 grade. IC4 or fireproof downlight increase the safety of your home, yourself, your family and neighbors.

Tips for keeping down lights safe

Whether you want to install new downlight or check existing ones, you can follow simple steps or check items to ensure the safety of yourself, others, and your home.

Be sure to always turn off the power when attempting electrical work

If you are using incandescent or halogen lights, consider replacing them with LED lights. These are more energy efficient and productive.